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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

500 questionaire thing...

1. Full name: Kevin cankickyourass He
2. Nicknames: 'Hey you in the bushes'
3. Eye Colour: 'Black?'
4. Height: 160cm. 170 when aroused.
5. Hair: Kinda short
6. Siblings: 7 brothers and sisters, each more annoying than the last.
7. Do u like to sing in the shower? do YOU. I do...not. Too many people around.
8. Do u like to sing on the toilet? Can't go without blasting some...shit. AHAHAHAHAHA
9. Birthday: Neither
10. Sign: 'Warning: Hazardous Materials'
11. Address: No thanks,
12. Sex: YES PLEASE! Couldn't resist.
13. Righty or lefty: I prefer to keep my political motivation to myself.
14. What do you want in a relationship most? Nothing. CBF, too much money >.<
15. Have you ever cheated? Yeah, my best friend got a heart attack, so I screen-cheated.
16. MarITal status: I used to do IT in year 12.
17. Do you have a car? Moped.
18. What kinda car do you have/want? Moped.

19. Movie: Please, if you don't know, you don't know me at all.
20. Song: Nothing.
21. Band/singer: That one with the two guys.
22. TV Show: That one with the two guys.
23. Actor: ...fuck, you're too smart for me.
24. Actress: Hur hur hur :D
25. Food: See above.
26. Number: 12
27. Cartoon: That one with the two guys.
28. Disney Character: NO COMMENT
29. Colour: Black?

30. Do you plan on having children: Not while I have my strength, I don't.
31. Do you want to get married: I refuse to continue this test until you learn to use question marks.
32. How old do you wanna be when you have your first child? That's better.
33. How old do you wanna be when you're married: Old enough to not be aware of the fact that I'm getting married.
34. Would you have kids before marriage: Isn't there some kind of interactive version of this quiz which removes this question if you answered 'no' to question 30?
35. Do u have a b/f or g/f (who)?: N. O
37. Do you have a crush: Only when people sit on me.

38. Music/TV: Fuck off. I'll watch my music on TV. Lawyered, BITCH.
39. Guys/Girls: Me and 6 billion chicks? Fuck no.
40. Green/Blue: Black?
41. Pink/Purple: Girls.
42. Summer/Winter: The one with the sun. Which in Melbourne, would be neither.
43. Night/Day: The one WITH THE SUN. Which in Melbourne, WOULD BE NEITHER
44. Hangin Out/Chillin: Sorry, I wasn't watching the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.
45. Dopey/Funny: I don't remember any dwarves named Funny.
46. You know I'm around when you hear: I dunno. Fucking stupid questions?
47. What school do u go to? Shithole, University.
48. Have you ever taken drugs? Yes, but they made me give them back.
49. What's a major turn on for you? The rank above a captain turn on, I suppose.
50. How far would you go on a first date? Fucking hell, I don't even have my P's. So I'd say, about 5 k's. By bus, I'd walk about 20 metres.

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