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Sunday, September 12, 2010

I review GLEE. YES. GLEE!!!! the first 6 eps anyway...

Millions love it. About the equal amount hate it. I do away with the hype and the hate, and despite my better judgement, I sit down and I watch it.

Wow, what a killer. I was so tempted to just switch it off, but I made a promise to a Glee-obsessed fan that I'd watch it (she's hot, don't judge me!). The first half hour is pretty standard. It's far from awful, like what half my friends think, and it's far from great, like my OTHER half thinks. I've realized why I'm not enjoying it, nor hating it. It's because, while the main characters are utter tripe (stupid fame-obsessed chick, Rachel, and the sports dude who thinks he's amazing, Finn...or something), the supporting characters have some personality. There's the cripple, the asian goth who is like...kinda attractive? And the sassy black girl. Anyway, this episode lacks a true protagonist. The director of Glee Club, Will, he may seem like the perfect protagonist, but then he goes ahead and plants marijuana in Finn's locker JUST so he would join. It seems tacky, desperate, and it's downright blackmail.
So I was unimpressed, until the music kicked in. A fantastic song/dance set to Rehab, done by a rival glee club, was damn impressive, and the closing song, the now (in)famous "Don't Stop Believing" was actually fantastic. I realize now why half my friends hate it. It's either because it's not their 'thing', or it's just because they hate it from what little they've seen, and are unwilling to give it a chance.

Suffers from the same problems as the pilot. A lack of empathy with characters, hollow storylines, and some great choreography set to decent songs. Standout has to be Gold Digger. I never LIKED the song personally, but I enjoyed the touch they've put on it.
Oh...and actually, there is one character who is damn fantastic in this episode, and the next four. Emma, played by the lovely Jayma Mays. She's eccentric, yet utterly adorable in her role as the school guidance counselor, and germaphobe? Well, she has a big problem with germs. Oh, and the cheerleader's audition into the club is probably the highlight, with a very catchy rendition of "I Say A Little Prayer For You". Outside of that, the other storylines are pretty boring. There's some pregnancy one that is god awful, as Will's wife, Terri, is just pathetic, which I'm glad for, because there is definitely chemistry between Will and Emma, and I guess Terri makes a good antagonist.

Again. It doesn't seem to be improving in plot, but the fantastic songs more than make up for it. Will creates an all male a-Capella group, and a fantastic rendition of "Poison" is experienced. Other than that...maybe Sue is the other highlight. As the bitter cheerleading coach who wants nothing more than the demise of the glee club, she gets the best lines, and Jane Lynch is goddamn brilliant, playing the role to a tee.
Oh, and Puck is a fucking nuisance. I do NOT understand why most of my friends who love this show, LOVE HIM. He's a bully, a dickhead, and has a stupid mohawk to compliment it. Maybe he gets nicer later on, or maybe girls just dig the whole dickhead thing. Figures.

Probably the second best episode I've seen so far. Kurt happens to be one of my favorite characters, being the eccentric gay guy 'who hasn't come out officially yet it's completely obvious', and his storyline is the highlight, joining the football team to impress his dad. There is a hilarious yet completely whacked out dance to Beyonce's 'Single Ladies', which makes no sense when put in theory, yet somehow works, and it's both hilarious and heartwarming. Other than that, the OTHER pregnancy (Finn's girlfriend) is coma-inducing, and very soap opera-esque. Nothing notable there. And Rachel isn't winning any points with her selfish actions, leaving the club just because she doesn't get a solo. Seriously Rachel, shape up or ship out.

The Rhodes Not Taken-
Eurgh, SAME problems. A great guest appearance from Kristen Chenoweth (who is kidna attractive, but has an annoying voice), and a FANTASTIC ending song of Queen's 'Somebody To Love' saves this episode from being a completely pointless waste of time. Rachel comes back, pregnant people are still pregnant, nothing interesting still.

Vitamin D-
So, I'm up to this episode. And, it's improved! The storyline that doesn't involve any music whatsoever turns out to be very very interesting, as Will's wife Terri becomes a school nurse just to spy on him and rival love interest Emma. Unfortunately for Emma, it's a losing battle, as gym teacher and casual boyfriend Ken Tanaka asks for Emma's hand in marriage, and Will's already engaged to Terri, who is faking a pregnancy. I know, the pregnancy thing is pretty boring yeah? Anyway, it's a boys vs girls at glee club, and I gotta say, not being sexist, but the boys clearly win. A mash-up of Usher's Confessions II and Bon Jovi's 'It's My Life' was goddamn fantastic. Though both groups were on some sort of drug, apparently. Anyway, can't get enough of Emma. And Sue's 'diary' scene had some fantastic lines, and was downright her best scene so far.

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