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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sorry guys...guy.

Sorry folks, I have been neglecting this blog for a while. Not many people read it, but I figure, I might as well put the effort in (finally) for the few that do. Because, it's not about worldwide appeal *COUGHCOUGHINSERTSHITTYMOVIEORTVSERIESHERE*. It's about appealing to the better masses *COUGHCOUGHINSERTANYTHINGELLENPAGEHASEVERDONE*. I'd just post some random shit up, what's been going on, maybe a creative piece (cos goddamn I love to get creative), other crap.

So what's been going on with my life recently? Hang on, it's only been a week, so nothing life changing...Actually, a moment could change someone's life forever. Yeah, moving on.

I thought I could escape my awful uni course. Turns out it was wrong. Ok, so here is the catch; I have to get an average of 65 and 8 CP to move to my ideal course (shall go unnamed for fear of laughing at me), but here's the deal. I can't GET good grades when I'm studying something I have no interest in. It's simply not possible. I could buckle down and really throw myself in, but I've already failed 2 subjects, and I doubt I could reach that goal. And there's the money issue as well. I don't think it's fair to judge my marks because of the simple lack of interest I have in my current course. Of course, I also do not see any other way it could be done. So there it is. I'm stuck in a shitty course for 2 more years. It's SHIT.

On a lighter note, I did have a good time Friday. Sports bar+mates+booze=a night where I forgot my troubles. Open invitation to next time for reader(s) =)

Music? Eh, I've barely picked up the guitar. And it's a damn shame. I'm proud enough of my skills to say I'm pretty good at the guitar. I can shred like a demon (which scares away a lot of ladies, which is good, I don't use the guitar to pick up), I've been very unlucky with bands though, every one I've joined turned out shite. It's ok though, I'm not really interested in guitar anymore. I just listen to the tunessss.

Ok, I'll post something more lighthearted in a couple hours. Stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog :)
    I read it.
    And I watched Whip It the other day - awesome movie~


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