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Monday, September 27, 2010

Shitty quizzy

- Amazingly new questions, you down?
Fark offfffff

- How long have you liked the person you like?
Like...I don't like anyone. I'm a little over the whole crush thing. Especially the whole gay crush thing. Oh shi-

- Will you be in a relationship one month from now?
Nah, but if I could predict the future, I'd be super rich.

- Are you "with" the very last person you kissed?
Noooppe. I kissed a hooker. Jokes.

 - Whens the next time you will see your best friend?
Whenever he wants to go to a strip club. I am unfortunately NOT joking here.

 - Last person you dated, and actually cared about, how long ago?
Ah jeez...a fair while.

- First person to speak to you in 2010?
Tom? I think.

- Who were you with the last time you went to the movies?
Tom. The Other Guys. That was the movie, not some ragtag group of other dudes.

- Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
I totally read that question wrong...

- Do you hate when people call you when you're sleeping?
Ummm...not really.

- What did you have for breakfast?
Pineapple. Weather was too depressing for sad food.

- What are you wearing currently?
are they sweat pants or track pants? goddamn, so comfy. Also, red hoody that's like Juno's but not really.

- What time did you wake up today?
10:46. pm.

- What's something you want to purchase next time you're at the mall?
Band shirts.

- Is it right to judge someone based on the number of people they've slept with?
JUST from that? No. But if you talk to them in person and they turn out to be a douche, go right ahead and judge.

- What pops into your head when you think of last summer?
Amazing. Pure awesome. No WAS awesome, kinda curved off when I got my results, then when I got back from China it was pure awesome again.

- If you woke up in one of the Saw movies, do you think you could survive?
Only the reverse bear trap one. Because I'm not actually inflicting pain on myself. Actually, fuck that, I couldn't murder someone for my own pitiful life. I just hope the trap isn't that crucifix one O_O

- Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
Nah bro. You need to get off yo ass and do something to get it.

- Would you rather grow old with someone or be single forever?
Tough one. I haven't met a significant other I would dream about spending years with. But being alone at 40 is mighty depressing.

- Do you like to hold or be held?
Lol. I like to hold...onto a guitar. Siff a guitar could hold me.

- Do you know anyone that smokes weed? I don't dabble in that.

- What was the last thing you and your mom talked about?
dunno, but she was yelling. a-typical.

- Are you excited for anything?
The derby, definitely. Friday- a break from studying and a house with no parents. After exams.

- What will your next piercing be?
- Has anyone taken their shirt off in front of you?
Yes. Unfortunately, no one worth squealing over.

- Do you trust all of your friends?
God no.

- For people that don't know you, what do they think your age usually is?
like 12 -___-

- Could you stay in a relationship for a year?
Pfft, again, future-predicter. rich thing.

- Where do you want to live when your older?
Settle down somewhere nice. I know, it's corny and cliched, but there is a REASON why it's cliched.

- Do you think someone is falling in love with you?
Definitely, 100 percent, no.

- Is there something you will never forget? 
Sure. Oh, something GOOD?

- Anyone you want back in your life?
I haven't really LOST anyone who was worth keeping? I'm not sure that makes sense.

- Have you ever been punched by the opposite sex?
bhahahaha, almost exclusively

- Last person you said I love you to?
Might've been drunk. Caboose.

Definitely drunk.

- Does your best friend go to your school?
Used to. We have all grown out of school.

- Does it bother you when people driving down the street stare at you?
Nah. They wanna look, they can look.

- How long until your next birthday?
Fuck maths.

- Would you ever get a tattoo?
Definitely some day.

- Do you have someone you always have late night conversations with?
Not always. I never go on msn anyway.

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